How Supplements Can Improve Overcoming Anxiety
Zoloft and Lexipro - Not too many of you would think that I would start a newsletter off with these words, but it's very common to see these and other anti-anxiety drugs on a patient intake form. In many instances, these drugs may help people feel better temporarily, especially those with severe anxiety, but it is well documented that these drugs can cause other imbalances in the body, especially the malabsorption of minerals. Proper mineral assimilation is very important to balance anxiety, and it is ironic that these drugs actually deplete the body of minerals. Side effects from these drugs can include constipation, weight gain, sexual problems, nausea, heart palpitations, and liver and kidney problems. The long-term consequences of being on these medications are unknown, and for this reason many people want to come off of these medications, but fear having anxiety return. I've worked with certain patients who have been diagnosed with mild to moderate anxiety and have made...