Tips to Help Avoid Indigestion
Woman with Severe Indigestion Every one of us suffers some form of indigestion at some point in our lives. For some people it is occasionally and for others it is every day. The more severe cases usually are related to food intolerances and microbial imbalance or toxicity. Indigestion can present itself as gas, bloating, stomach pain, burning, and acid reflux after eating a meal. Our digestive enzyme activity decreases by about ten percent every ten years after the age of 20. A fifty year old has about thirty percent less digestive capacity than a 20 year old. This is one reason why many people notice that as they age they have more episodes of indigestion. Stress decreases enzymatic activity and hydrochloric acid production. If you have less hydrochloric acid and enzymes because of a stress reaction, than some of your food will remain undigested in the stomach. Before the stomach has a chance to empty, inorganic acids from undigested food will travel up the esop...