
Showing posts from August, 2013

A Solution for IBS

Man with IBS Pain It's a very familiar story; a patient has cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and pain. Some of these symptoms are so debilitating, that at times they have been forced to stay at home and miss work. They go to their medical doctor who orders tons of tests, endoscopies, colonoscopies, but everything comes back normal. This patient receives a diagnosis of IBS and is told that  it may be due to stress, that little can be done, and ultimately they will have no other choice but to live with it!!  Sometimes, they are prescribed a drug, which may have nothing to do with the cause of their problem. Patients have told me that their medical doctor prescribed them anti-depressants for IBS. They are not given answers on why or what to do to feel better, and most of the time are left frustrated.  IBS is another one of those very generalized syndromes that lumps a large percentage of people with very generalized digestive problems together. Appr...