Being Gluten-Free

I have to admit sometimes I feel like I'm taking away some people's joy! A client comes into my office searching for answers for their health problems, and I often have to put them through a bit of a restrictive food boot camp. I muscle test for food sensitivities , and when I discover what foods are causing their reflexes to react abnormally (and therefor determining them to be sensitive to these foods), I recommend that they stop eating those foods. Generally, there is an underlying cause of why they have these food sensitivities. When the body is detoxed of underlying toxicity and dysbiosis, their bodies can heal, and they may test less sensitive to these foods. Patients probably give the most sour puss face, when I inform them that they are muscle testing sensitive to gluten, over any other food vial that I test. Many patients have received gluten sensitivity testing, and tell me that they didn't test sensitive to gluten. Fortunately, I have two vials for glut...