Healthy Tips for Spring

You know it's coming! It's just around the corner. We've had a couple of teasers here and there, where we put away the long johns. One thing is for sure; the weather will start getting warmer, the bulbs will start popping up, birds will begin chirping, the days will get longer, and the energy for most New Yorkers will certainly change. When the words "polar vortex" are the catch phrase for a season, you know it has been a tough winter for many. OK, people, onward and upward, which is the energy of the spring season that we are moving into. Every season has its own specific energy that we can tap into for a more balanced and healthy physical, mental, and emotional body. Here are some healthy tips to help you get the most out of the spring energy. In the Chinese medicine system, the wood element representing the liver and its corresponding organ the gallbladder are the most active meridians and energies in spring. The liver rules the tendons and ligaments, so...