Should I Stretch or Should I Roll?

We've all been taught to stretch, stretch, stretch-before and even after our workouts. Somewhere along the way most of us have been taught that stretching is the best way to prevent injury. There is absolutely no evidence, I repeat NO evidence, that static stretching prevents injury and is beneficial before or after working out. Most people do not realize that the stretching they are doing is actually weakening their muscles and is increasing the likelihood of injury. The two most common types of stretching are static stretching and dynamic stretching. Static stretching (which is the most common type of stretching that most of us have been taught to do before we workout) is performed at rest and results in the lengthening and elongation of a muscle to an end position. Usually, the static stretch is held between thirty and sixty seconds. Dynamic stretching is safer and more effective than static stretching and is the active movement of muscles that brings forth a stretch-but i...