Don't Overlook the Importance of Indoor Air Quality

Toxins from household cleaners, chemicals on mattresses and furniture, building materials, carpeting, mold and mildew, and personal care products are some of the items that are contributing to the toxicity in our homes. Europe is way ahead of us with regard to recognizing problems with chemicals affecting our health. They have banned thousands of chemicals in personal care and cleaning products, as opposed to the U.S., which has banned a mere fraction by comparison. Here are some useful tips to clean up the air in your home: 1. Get Rid of Any Carpeting or Rugs! Carpeting is basically a petri dish. All of the toxins in the air accumulate and become a toxic dust that gets embedded in carpeting. Vacuuming doesn't pick up micro dust particles and sometimes just spreads toxins around. The best flooring is wood that is treated with a water-based polyurethane (which is less toxic than oil-based polyurethane). If you have no choice and can't get rid of your carpeting, make sure you d...