Nutrients for Optimal Fitness

Exercise can relieve mental tension, promote emotional balance, and can be extremely beneficial to the immune system. However, If you overtrain, are under chronic stress, and are not supported nutritionally, this can have a deleterious effect on the body. Numerous studies have concluded that intensive exercise of a long duration (greater than 90 minutes) can have a depressive effect on the immune system. People that train for marathons are 50 percent more likely to have an upper respiratory infection or cold than the general population. Many marathon runners aren't supplementing with essential nutrients that help with the burden they are placing on their bodies. Long duration exercise increases the hormone cortisol, increases pro-inflammatory cytokines, promotes lactic and pyruvic acid builds up, ammonia buildup, hypoxia, and a change in the circulating immune cells. Here are some tips to counteract these side-effects for all fitness lovers and endurance athletes. Supporting you...