Breathing As a Tool for Healing

Sometimes the things that are so easy, simple, and literally right under our noses are the things we overlook and pay little attention to. Breathing is one of those things that many of us don't think twice about. Unless we have a cold, allergies, asthma, exert ourselves, or travel to a high altitude location, it is something that many of us don't think about on a regular basis. Yet, the breath is probably the most vital process to our survival. What other process in our bodies can be stopped for minutes or less and lead to death? Yoga and meditation practices have raised awareness and a greater understanding of deep breathing and its connection to calming the mind and body. There have been many published studies detailing the positive effects of deep breathing on blood pressure, lipid profiles, mood, stress levels, and even alternating the Ph of the blood. What is it about deep breathing that has so many proven benefits for the mind and body? One answer lies in the element...