Genetic Testing For Wellness
The combination of genes and our environment influence whether a genetic factor will be expressed. Genes can either be turned on or off, depending on nutrition, physical or emotional stress, stages of development and other factors. Genetic testing can be a valuable tool to determine whether a particular medication may be contraindicated. It can determine if you are more likely to have a problem with hormone regulation, or even more at risk for strokes and heart disease. Recently, I decided to get a genetic testing panel to see if there is any more information that I can incorporate into my wellness routine. Although a pharmacogenetic testing profile didn't necessarily apply to my specific needs, this was one of the tests on the panel. This is a patient's likelihood to experience a problem with a pharmaceutical drug or not respond to a medication. One of the medications that came up on my panel to seek an alternative to was codeine. I was given codeine in college for pain...