Foodies Hate Me

Foodies hate me, or at the very least, they see me as their frenemy. Why? One of the many tools in my tool kit is to create awareness about food. Most patients that walk into my practice have a deep-rooted belief that they "eat VERY healthy." Whether they are vegetarian, paleo, keto, no fast food, or a no processed foods, they are eating "VERY healthy," but come in sick and tired, and tired of being sick and tired. My definition of healthy eating involves one primary notion: Not to consume the foods that you are sensitive to, nor those which create an autoimmune response. When we consume foods to which we are sensitive, the body produces inflammation, and inflammation causes disease in the body. I use nutritional response testing to figure out whether a food is a problem for someone. If a food weakens a muscle during a reflex test, it is causing an imbalance in the body. The abnormal reflex response that a food can elicit in a muscle test works with the aut...