Hanging for Shoulder Health
Hanging for Shoulder Health Chimpanzees are our closest animal relative. We share 98.8 percent of DNA and many social characteristics, such as establishing friendships and smiling. Their bodies are very similar to ours. We have the same nervous systems, bones, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. We even have the same number of fingers and toes. Chimps have the ability of self-identifying when looking in the mirror, which is rare for animals. Another similarity is our bipedal (walking on two legs) nature, but Chimpanzees can also walk on four limbs and use their arms/shoulders to swing from trees. Their consistent overhead activity keeps their shoulders functioning well and limits injury. The gorilla, gibbon, and orangutan are also able to brachiate or hang by their hands. As a kid, I remember hanging from monkey bars at the playground and swinging from parallel bar to parallel bar. Like most kids, I'm sure, I felt like I outgrew the monkey bars and that was the last of hanging ...