Getting Your Uric Acid Levels Checked

The Importance of Getting Your Uric Acid Levels Checked Changes in what we eat, how we eat, when we eat, and the access we have to a diversity of foods has occurred significantly faster than our human evolution. The evolution of our bodies to adapt to these changes takes thousands of years, but the changes in the types of foods we eat, when we eat, and the diversity of foods we consume have significantly changed in the last hundred years. Our ancestors required certain adaptive mechanisms to survive in a world where it was either feast or famine. This caused certain genes or gene mutations to outperform and survive in Darwinian fashion. One of these genes was the mutation in the uricase gene. Uricase breaks down uric acid, which keeps uric acid levels low. High levels of uric acid cause increased blood sugar, increased body fat, and slowed down metabolism, which is enviable during a famine. Those with this mutation during a famine would survive because they would have the fuel to...