
Showing posts from 2013

Being Gluten-Free

I have to admit sometimes I feel like I'm taking away some people's joy! A client comes into my office searching for answers for their health problems, and I often have to put them through a bit of a restrictive food boot camp. I muscle test for food sensitivities , and when I discover what foods are causing their reflexes to react abnormally (and therefor determining them to be sensitive to these foods), I recommend that they stop eating those foods.  Generally, there is an underlying cause of why they have these food sensitivities. When the body is detoxed of underlying toxicity and dysbiosis, their bodies can heal, and they may test less sensitive to these foods.  Patients probably give the most sour puss face, when I inform them that they are muscle testing sensitive to gluten, over any other food vial that I test.  Many patients have received gluten sensitivity testing, and tell me that they didn't test sensitive to gluten. Fortunately, I have two vials for glut...

The Herxheimer Reaction - Why You Can Feel Worse Before You Feel Better When You Detoxify

If given the choice, I would assume that the average person would want to get better as quickly and as painlessly as possible. Who wants to feel worse before they get better? Not I for one, but the reality for some people going through detoxification, their symptoms or other symptoms may get worse. The Herxheimer Reaction is a reaction by the immune system in response to endotoxin or toxin release from microorganisms like fungus, parasites, viruses, bacteria, amoebas, rickettsia, protozoa, etc., when they die off. It is also a reaction from toxin release of any kind, like heavy metals, chemicals, pesticides, drugs etc..  Detoxification draws out these toxins from different parts of the body, especially fat cells, and the organs of elimination can be overburdened with trying to get rid of them fast enough. Some detoxification symptoms or Herxheimer Reactions include headaches, lethargy, muscle aches, mucus or other discharge, a coated pasty tongue, flu-like sym...

A Solution for IBS

Man with IBS Pain It's a very familiar story; a patient has cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, and pain. Some of these symptoms are so debilitating, that at times they have been forced to stay at home and miss work. They go to their medical doctor who orders tons of tests, endoscopies, colonoscopies, but everything comes back normal. This patient receives a diagnosis of IBS and is told that  it may be due to stress, that little can be done, and ultimately they will have no other choice but to live with it!!  Sometimes, they are prescribed a drug, which may have nothing to do with the cause of their problem. Patients have told me that their medical doctor prescribed them anti-depressants for IBS. They are not given answers on why or what to do to feel better, and most of the time are left frustrated.  IBS is another one of those very generalized syndromes that lumps a large percentage of people with very generalized digestive problems together. Appr...

Tips to Help Avoid Indigestion

Woman with Severe Indigestion Every one of us suffers some form of indigestion at some point in our lives. For some people it is occasionally and for others it is every day. The more severe cases usually are related to food intolerances and microbial imbalance or toxicity.  Indigestion can present itself as gas, bloating, stomach pain, burning, and acid reflux after eating a meal. Our digestive enzyme activity decreases by about ten percent every ten years after the age of 20. A fifty year old has about thirty percent less digestive capacity than a 20 year old. This is one reason why many people notice that as they age they have more episodes of indigestion. Stress decreases enzymatic activity and hydrochloric acid production. If you have less hydrochloric acid and enzymes because of a stress reaction,  than some of your food will remain undigested in the stomach. Before the stomach has a chance to empty, inorganic acids from undigested food will travel up the esop...

How Supplements Can Improve Overcoming Anxiety

Zoloft and Lexipro - Not too many of you would think that I would start a newsletter off with these words, but it's very common to see these and other anti-anxiety drugs on a patient intake form. In many instances, these drugs may help people feel better temporarily, especially those with severe anxiety, but it is well documented that these drugs can cause other imbalances in the body, especially the malabsorption of minerals. Proper mineral assimilation is very important to balance anxiety, and it is ironic that these drugs actually deplete the body of minerals. Side effects from these drugs can include constipation, weight gain, sexual problems, nausea, heart palpitations, and liver and kidney problems. The long-term consequences of being on these medications are unknown, and for this reason many people want  to come off of these medications, but fear having anxiety return. I've worked with certain patients who have been diagnosed with mild to moderate anxiety and have made...

When to Investigate Infertility Nutritional Supplements

Modern life vs. biology has been a consistent struggle for many women. With all of our amazing advances in technology, our human biological systems function pretty much the same way they did thousands of years ago.  Evolution certainly hasn't caught up with the expectations that we may have on ourselves living in our modern world.  Modern life has made certain things easier but perhaps has come with a cost.  We certainly have realized this from the move away from breastfeeding to formula feeding for a major part of the twentieth century. During World War II, when women  entered the work force like never before, infant formula became an easy way to feed their babies. Infant's formula was marketed as a better alternative to the inconvenience of breastfeeding.  We now know that they got it wrong, and it is our generations that weren't breastfed who suffered the consequences.  It has been proven that children that aren't breastfed have lesser immunity...

What Are Standard Process Supplements?

The use of natural medicine coming from plants dates back thousands of  years, and from then it has been widely accepted and respected. Today, supplements are well sought after and are available in pharmacies, stores, online , and through doctor's offices. They can be in any form, whether it be pills, tablets, liquid, and capsules. In this country alone, over 17 billion dollars are spent every year on supplements. There are two kinds of supplements, synthetic and natural supplements. There are strong differences between the two.  Which is better? Which is effective? Though, they are FDA approved before they are out in the market, there are some implications and precautions that need to be reviewed. The Difference Between Natural Standard Process Supplements Vs Synthetic Supplements Standard Process supplements are natural and made from concentrated foods of fruits,  vegetables and animal product. They are complex structures with active ingredients, such as enzymes, ant...

There Is A Fungus Among Us

Many patients come to see me for help with their poorly diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome as well as other severe digestive disorders .  Through the nutrition response testing protocol that I use in my practice, I have found many of their problems are stemming from fungus, candida, yeast, and mold. Many people may suspect they have candida and do cleanses , change their diet, even take anti-fungal supplements.... But their results are often discouraging, and their symptoms continue to burden them. I discovered that by using a protocol combining laser acupuncture, individually prescribed anti-fungal supplements, and diet modification, a phenomenally high rate of success occurs with patients who are in need of ridding the body of fungal and candida overgrowth. The average person going through this protocol eliminates their candida and fungal problems in three weeks. It's rewarding for me to help people in such a short period of time considering they had dealt with sym...

Pain Relief from Chronic Headaches

A severe pulsating or throbbing pain starts to develop in your head, behind your eye, or maybe in your temple. You realize this is another headache and must reach for ibuprofen, or a migraine medication if necessary. Woman suffering from Headaches The medication may help with the pain, but you know the drawbacks of taking these medications day in and day out, year after year. You are looking for a solution for your chronic headaches but aren't sure where to turn. The only way to stop the headaches is to figure out the causes, which may be numerous, and balance the body naturally. The three main types of headaches are tension, migraine, and cluster. Tension headaches are the most common, and is typically described as a band-like vice that creates pressure and pain uniformly around the head, and may involve the neck as well. Tension headaches can occur episodically or chronically. Cluster headaches usually occur for a period of time throughout the yea...