When to Investigate Infertility Nutritional Supplements

Woman in Need of Infertility Nutritional Counseling
Modern life vs. biology has been a consistent struggle for many women. With all of our amazing advances in technology, our human biological systems function pretty much the same way they did thousands of years ago. 

Evolution certainly hasn't caught up with the expectations that we may have on ourselves living in our modern world. 

Modern life has made certain things easier but perhaps has come with a cost.  We certainly have realized this from the move away from breastfeeding to formula feeding for a major part of the twentieth century.

During World War II, when women  entered the work force like never before, infant formula became an easy way to feed their babies. Infant's formula was marketed as a better alternative to the inconvenience of breastfeeding.  We now know that they got it wrong, and it is our generations that weren't breastfed who suffered the consequences. 

It has been proven that children that aren't breastfed have lesser immunity and lower intelligence factors than children who are breastfed. Thankfully, women are breast feeding more now than they were 10 years ago, and the reality that a baby can't possibly get the same nutrition and immunity factors  through formula feeding has trumped the inconvenience that it may cause to our modern life.

Problems with conceiving have also been an increasing problem with the demands of modern life. The average childbearing age is now 29 years old, as opposed to 23 years old in 1968. In 1960, the birth control pill ushered in an age of sexual liberation and women having the opportunity not to worry about getting pregnant. There is much controversy on whether the pill causes problems for certain women to get pregnant after they have been on it for many years and then go off of it.

It is not an easy question to answer whether the pill is a factor in the ever rising infertility problems that women experience today. However, it is important to understand that the body is a finely tuned piece of machinery, and if you  are giving the body synthetic hormones, and throwing the bodies natural rhythms off, very likely there are consequences. If you shut the body's normal processes down for many years and then expect the body to simply function normally afterwards, that may be a lot to ask.

Our modern life has made it much more common for a woman to have children in their thirties and forties. Biologically speaking the most fertile time period for a woman is in their late teens and early twenties. Most women aren't prepared to have children during this time period.

I have helped numerous women with nutritional supplement support, either with or without IVF treatments, allowing them the best possible chance at getting pregnant and carrying full term.  When I analyze a women who is attempting to get pregnant, I use muscle testing to figure out if they have hormone imbalances and toxicity. 

In about sixty percent of the women whom I have analyzed that were trying for a long time to conceive,  yeast or fungus came up as a positive muscle test for them. In about seventy percent of these women, the progesterone vial came up as a positive test, indicating a progesterone imbalance.  After these women were cleared of yeast/fungus/candida and were taking supportive nutritional supplementation many of these women could get pregnant.

The human body has to be a supportive healthy environment to conceive and carry a baby full term. If a woman's body is burdened by toxic elements, whether being yeast, candida, chemicals, pesticides, parasites, etc., how can we expect a fetus to thrive in this kind of environment? A woman's best chance of conceiving is if their bodies are free and clear of toxicity and their hormones are functioning properly.

Women are expecting their bodies in their thirties and forties to do the same thing it was capable of doing in their twenties. Women need the best possible nutritional support to achieve this goal and to allow their bodies to conceive a child.

Dr. Louis Granirer
NYC Chiropractor
Holistic Chiropractic Center


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