
Showing posts from April, 2013

When to Investigate Infertility Nutritional Supplements

Modern life vs. biology has been a consistent struggle for many women. With all of our amazing advances in technology, our human biological systems function pretty much the same way they did thousands of years ago.  Evolution certainly hasn't caught up with the expectations that we may have on ourselves living in our modern world.  Modern life has made certain things easier but perhaps has come with a cost.  We certainly have realized this from the move away from breastfeeding to formula feeding for a major part of the twentieth century. During World War II, when women  entered the work force like never before, infant formula became an easy way to feed their babies. Infant's formula was marketed as a better alternative to the inconvenience of breastfeeding.  We now know that they got it wrong, and it is our generations that weren't breastfed who suffered the consequences.  It has been proven that children that aren't breastfed have lesser immunity...