How To Wipe Out A Cold - FAST!!!
The most common infectious agent in the U.S. is by far the common cold. Most people who get a cold will suffer for 7 to 10 days. Some people can suffer three weeks or longer if their immune systems are not functioning well. Colds are caused by viruses; they are not caused by bacteria. Antibiotics do not treat a cold because they are antibacterial and not anti-viral. If your doctor gives you an antibiotic for a cold, you might want to find a new doctor! So, how do you cut the duration of a cold from 10 days to 2 days? Here are my tips for zapping a cold. 1- Anti-viral herbs and supplements: One of the herbal complexes that I have used to help patients battle colds is a product by Standard Process called Andrographis Complex. It contains andrographis, holy basil and the root of Echinacea. It is successful in significantly reducing the duration of approximately 85 percent of common cold cases. Andrographis Complex is effective when 5 to 6 pills are taken per day spread out in four do...