How To Wipe Out A Cold - FAST!!!

Woman suffering from a cold
The most common infectious agent in the U.S. is by far the common cold. Most people who get a cold will suffer for 7 to 10 days. Some people can suffer three weeks or longer if their immune systems are not functioning well.

Colds are caused by viruses; they are not caused by bacteria. Antibiotics do not treat a cold because they are antibacterial and not anti-viral. If your doctor gives you an antibiotic for a cold, you might want to find a new doctor!

So, how do you cut the duration of a cold from 10 days to 2 days? Here are my tips for zapping a cold.

1- Anti-viral herbs and supplements:
One of the herbal complexes that I have used to help patients battle colds is a product by Standard Process called Andrographis Complex. It contains andrographis, holy basil and the root of Echinacea. It is successful in significantly reducing the duration of approximately 85 percent of common cold cases. Andrographis Complex is effective when 5 to 6 pills are taken per day spread out in four dosages (2 in the morning followed by 1, 1, and 2). On average, a person takes Andrographis Complex for 6 or 7 days, even when their symptoms have abated.

Along with Andrographis Complex, I recommend using colloidal silver 30 parts per million. Every 3 hours put three small drops in each ear. Put three drops in one ear while you are lying down on your side, and stay in this position for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, repeat this in the other ear. I also recommend taking a full dropper in each nostril and making sure you snort it into your sinuses. You can put the colloidal silver in each nostril every 2 to 3 hours for three days.

Another great anti-viral is Illicium Supreme by Supreme Nutrition. Illicium is star anise, and it is also what the flu drug Tamiflu is derived from.  An effective dosage is 5 pills per day divided into three dosages (2, 2, and 1). Other antiviral supplements include olive leaf supreme, goldenseal, elderberry, sinus forte, euphrasia, camu supreme, schisandra supreme, immuplex, and cyruta plus. There are hundreds of different cold viruses, and depending on an individual's immune system, some nutritional supplements work better than others. Muscle testing a nutritional supplement at the first sign of a cold will give a patient a greater likelihood of getting rid of a cold quickly.

2- Exercise: Exercise cuts down the chance of getting a cold by 50 percent, but if you belong to a gym, the equipment you are touching may contribute to exposure to many cold viruses. If you are using weights or weight equipment, wear workout gloves to avoid touching the machines. If you are using a cardio machine, wipe it down before and after you use it.

3- Lemon bath: Take half a lemon and rub it all over your body. Get in a warm bath with 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. Stay in the bath for 20 minutes.

4- Get adjusted: Many clinical studies support the immune-boosting effects of chiropractic care. The adjustment raises the levels of T killer cells, which are prime immune system responders to viruses.

5- Tap your sternum: Why do apes and gorillas hit their chest before they get into a fight? They are aware that there are points on the sternum that will increase white blood cells when stimulated. A couple of inches below the collarbone lies the thymus gland, which is a key gland for the immune system. Tap your sternum or breastbone with an open palm for one minute, three times per day. Another immune stimulating point is midway between your nipple and armpit. You can rub this point vigorously for one minute 5 times per day.

6- Give your digestive system a break: Cut out gluten, dairy, grains, and sugar. Best thing to do is drink bone broth. If you can handle it, do a bone broth cleanse. For 24 to 48 hours, only drink bone broth. You can drink as much as you want. I would recommend drinking a cup every 4 hours. It is quite filling but allows your body to focus on fighting the cold as opposed to its energy focusing on the digestive tract.

If you feel like you are coming down with a cold, please follow this advice.

Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in NY and Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner specializing in holistic remedies for good health maintenance and prevention of disease. Visit his website at to learn more.


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