Glyphosate In Our Food Supply

Glyphosate In Our Food Supply

On October 23, 2018, a California judge rejected an appeal from the company Monsanto to overturn a jury verdict, which found its pesticide "Roundup," or glyphosate, causes cancer. In August 2018, Dewayne Johnson was awarded 289 million dollars (this award was later reduced to 78 million dollars) for asserting that his exposure to glyphosate, as a former groundskeeper, caused his non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

Glyphosate is the number one herbicide used in the United States. Over 300 million pounds of this herbicide is applied to US farmland each year. It was introduced in the 1970s, and its usage has increased by 200-fold in the last 40 years. More recently, farmers have been spraying it on nonorganic crops to dry them out, so they don't have to wait the extra two weeks or so to naturally dry out. This process is known as desiccation.

One of the problems with glyphosate is its motility in our environment and the lack of biodegradability. It is sprayed on nonorganic and GMO grains, fruits and vegetables, and then seeps into groundwater, and can travel distances that even affect organic crops and soil. Glyphosate can stay in the soil for over 20 years. Many organic farms take approximately three to five years of no pesticide usage (much less than 20 years) to be converted over from a nonorganic to an organic farm. It's still in the soil even if the organically grown crops are not being sprayed.

I recently started Nutrition Response Testing and Reflex Testing my clients with a glyphosate vial, and I am surprised at the percentage of people that test for this vial. It will remain in your body unless your body has the tools to detoxify. Many of my clients that only buy organic groceries will still eat conventional food when they go out to eat. In New York City many of us eat at least one meal out a day during our work week. Surprisingly, there are very few restaurants that are organic, so even if you buy organic, most of us are still consuming nonorganic foods on most days.

Glyphosate disrupts the good bacteria in your body, creating an environment for pathogens to proliferate, and can lead to infection. It disrupts amino acids and nutrients in the food being treated so that you don't get the nutrients that you think you are getting. It depletes the immune system. Glyphosate impairs sulfur transport and produces ammonia in the body, which causes inflammation in the brain and nervous system. It inhibits methylation pathways, which are essential for the functioning of our bodies. It negatively impacts the release of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone.

Glyphosate impairs Cytochrome P450, which affects vitamin D activation and red blood cell function. It can alter gut flora leading to leaky gut. It has been linked to mitochondrial dysfunction which compromises the body's cellular energy capabilities, kidney, and liver damage. It has also been linked to breast cancer.

The Environmental Working Group recently released a report that found glyphosate in 26 of 28 nonorganic breakfast cereals tested. This is extremely alarming for young children that are being exposed to this dangerous toxin.

These are the most common nonorganic foods that are treated with glyphosate:
  • Wheat
  • Oats
  • Corn
  • Lentils
  • Flax
  • Potatoes
  • Rye
  • Buckwheat
  • Sunflowers
  • Peas
  • Sugar beets
  • Non-GMO soybeans
Even organic California wines were found to contain glyphosate. Although significantly lower levels of glyphosate were detected in organic wines than nonorganic wines, glyphosate can drift over from nearby nonorganic vineyards through the ground and water runoff.

A product called Glypho-X Supreme can help to detoxify and protect the body from the effects of glyphosate. Like any supplement, it only works for certain individuals. The product contains basil, burdock, and dandelion, which have been shown to elicit amazing liver-protective benefits from chemicals and toxins.

Here are some tips to avoid glyphosate exposure:

1- Only buy organic and Non-GMO foods. More than 68,000 French adults took part in a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, October 22, 2018. Those who ate organic had a 25 percent less incidence of cancer.

2- Stay away from California wines, including organic. Italian and French organic wines are a better bet.

3- No oats, they tend to have the highest level of glyphosate of any food.

Certain labs are offering at-home test kits to test your urine for glyphosate contamination. You can also get muscle/reflex tested using a glyphosate vial to determine if your nervous system weakens being exposed to the vial.

About the Author

Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading NY Chiropractor who specializes in traditional chiropractic care and holistic healing through nutrition response testing. Learn more by visiting his website at


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