Unhealthy Sugar

Newsflash: Sugar isn't so sweet for your health. Cutting it out of your diet, or cutting it down in your diet, is the best thing you can do for an anti-aging/anti-inflammation regimen. As you’ll read below, the process of glycation and the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are part of why sugar causes such problems for our bodies. Glycation is the process by which a sugar molecule like glucose or fructose combines with a protein molecule or a lipid molecule. The combining of sugar and a protein or lipid leads to the formation of AGEs. AGEs are rogue biochemical end products that cause inflammation by disrupting the normal biochemical processes of the body. They are produced in higher numbers based on your dietary intake, and also increase with age. The immune system sees AGEs as an invader and sounds the alarm to combat them. This sets off a cascade of inflammation. This cascade of inflammation preoccupies the immune system and upsets the equilibrium of the ...