Unhealthy Sugar

Newsflash: Sugar isn't so sweet for your health. Cutting it out of your diet, or cutting it down in your diet, is the best thing you can do for an anti-aging/anti-inflammation regimen. As you’ll read below, the process of glycation and the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are part of why sugar causes such problems for our bodies.

Glycation is the process by which a sugar molecule like glucose or fructose combines with a protein molecule or a lipid molecule. The combining of sugar and a protein or lipid leads to the formation of AGEs. AGEs are rogue biochemical end products that cause inflammation by disrupting the normal biochemical processes of the body. They are produced in higher numbers based on your dietary intake, and also increase with age. The immune system sees  AGEs as an invader and sounds the alarm to combat them. This sets off a cascade of inflammation. This cascade of inflammation preoccupies the immune system and upsets the equilibrium of the body. It causes oxidative stress and long term inflammation, which damages every organ in the body.

AGEs block the formation of collagen and elastin, which are essential for skin elasticity and a youthful appearance. Micro-circulation is negatively impacted by AGEs, and that causes a reduc-tion of skin cell turnover. Both are linked to a propensity to develop wrinkles.

AGEs have been linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome, liver failure, kidney failure, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and neurological problems. AGEs affect the blood vessels by sticking to them, and this impacts blood flow and circulation. They target small capillaries and weaken them, which makes it harder for areas of the body, especially the skin, to get the proper oxygen and nutrition that it requires to maintain skin health. 

AGEs increase free radicals in the body, which cause damage to cells in the body. Free radicals involve the splitting of oxygen, which leads to a scavenging effect for these split oxygen molecules to try to find electrons to attach to. The more free radicals in the body, the more damage to our cells, proteins, and DNA.

Steps to take to reduce glycation and combat AGEs

1. Cut down, or even better cut out the sugar.  Use stevia for a sweetener, Don’t overdo it on fruit; 2 servings of fruit per day is a good guideline. Fructose in fruit also produces AGEs. Stick with low glycemic fruits and foods. Asparagus, spinach, peas, beans, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries are examples of foods with a low glycemic index. Stick with foods that have a glycemic rating under 55. The lower the glycemic rating, the better.

2. Don’t overcook on the grill. Grilling seems to be the one cooking method that substantially increases AGEs in food, as well as searing and broiling. If meat has that charred black look that’s an indication that it has a high AGE content, stay away from well done meats. Slow cooking is the best cooking method to avoid an overproduction of AGEs in food.

3. Weight training helps with glycation.  Muscles love glucose. They consume glucose so that there is less floating in the bloodstream to create an abundance of AGEs.

4. Nutritional supplements help to reduce AGEs and glycation: Benfotiamine (a derivative of Vitamin B1), carnosine, turmeric, olive leaf extract are some of the nutritional supplements that combat AGEs and glycation.

5. Booze increase AGEs. Alcohol increases glycation and oxidative stress. Less is more.

In my clinical experience, I have seen the impact that cutting down on sugar, or eliminating it, can have on one’s appearance and overall health and well being. Some of the more immediate results from my patients that have reduced sugar in their diets are that they don’t have as severe of an afternoon crash, they are less moody, their skin looks younger, and they have fewer unhealthy cravings.

The daily maximum sugar intake for anti-aging and limiting AGEs is around 25 grams of sugar per day. Read labels and see how much sugar is in the food that you are consuming.  If you start paying attention to your sugar intake, you will probably notice that you are consuming a lot more than you thought.

About the Author

Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading NY Holistic Chiropractor specializing in natural remedies for severe and chronic illness. Learn more about his services by visiting HolisticChiropracticCenter.com


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