Is Your Home Making You Sick?

Most people think mold is only a problem if they have had water damage or a visible leak in their home. This is not the case, as mold can develop with high humidity levels, encouraging mold to grow. Not everyone is affected by the same levels of mold, and your response or ability to handle mold exposure has to do with your immune system and what else you have going on in your microbiome. If your immune system is struggling to deal with toxic burdens, dysbiosis, or microbial imbalance, then you are more likely to be affected by mold and airborne fungus. 

Strengthening your immune system and detoxification is key to better handling exposure from mold or airborne fungus, but finding ways to remediate the mold may also be necessary. One way to test for mold in your home is through the MSQPCR at-home test. It is a self-swab test in which you swab dust in 10 separate areas. You can send in your kit to get it analyzed by a laboratory that uses very accurate lab analysis. The nose knows, so pay attention to musty smells that might indicate that you indeed do have a mold issue in your home. 

If mold is visible, you can use a product called Concrobium to kill the mold, tea tree oil, and cedarwood oil mixed with water can also kill mold, and Borax kills the mold spores. Bleach is not very effective in killing the mycotoxins from mold, and I do not consider it a good solution. An excellent way to kill airborne mold is to use tea tree oil and cedar oil in a diffuser and let it run continuously for 8 to 12 hours. You want to make sure all windows are closed and that you leave the house for most of that time, only to return to refill the diffuser. This should be done on three separate occasions, either consecutive days or every other day. Running the diffuser for an hour twice a week may be necessary for maintenance. 

Running an Ozonator for 8 to 12 hours may be necessary to kill mold, but this will not necessarily get to any mold within walls. Make sure all windows are completely shut while running the Ozonator. Leave your house when the Ozonator is running, and make sure that you open all windows once you return. Let your home air out for a couple of hours before returning for an entire stay. Most of the time, if the home is treated and a person is supported systemically by ridding the body of the mycotoxins and fungus, their symptoms improve or disappear entirely.

Make sure you use a dehumidifier in your home if the humidity levels get above 55 percent. Ideal humidity levels should be 35 to 55 percent. You can purchase an inexpensive hygrometer to measure humidity levels. Also, a really good air purifier is essential, specifically one that kills mold spores. I have an Intellipure in my home and office as I find it to be one of the most effective technologies to kill microbes and is very effective in purifying the air of mold. 

If your symptoms do not improve, it may be necessary to get a professional mold remediation company to come to your home. In rare instances, someone will have to leave their home, which may be needed to resolve the problem completely. 

If someone is suffering from mold exposure/toxicity, certain foods can increase their symptoms. I test a patient for food sensitivities, but as a general rule staying away from cashews, walnuts, peanuts, and tomato paste is essential because of the mold associated with these foods. A visual contrast study ( can determine if someone is affected by mold. Unfortunately, 10 percent of the population will pass this test even if they are infected with mold, so muscle testing is another important tool to determine if someone is affected by mold, fungus, and mycotoxins. 

One of the reasons that my practice is so successful in supporting patients with mold issues is identifying the proper supplement protocol to strengthen the immune system and help the body detoxify effectively.

About the Author

Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in NY who helps patients overcome severe and chronic illness with natural remedies. Learn more about his services by visiting his website at


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