NAD+ Levels and Their Influence on Aging and Cellular Energy

 NAD+ Levels and Their Influence on Aging and Cellular Energy

Woman comparing aging

Energy and anti-aging are prime focuses in the wellness industry. Many of us want more energy and to healthfully support the aging process. In this newsletter, I’m focusing on NAD+, or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, which is an extremely important biomolecule that influences energy and the aging process. It is a coenzyme that supports numerous biochemical reactions in the body. It supports cellular energy by assisting in the conversion of food to energy. It protects our DNA from stressors and ensures proper cellular regulation and integrity. When these processes are supported with proper NAD+ levels, then cellular aging is slowed down.

NAD+ levels significantly decline with age. NAD+ is used for DNA repair and helps with the production of enzymes for the immune system, anti-inflammatory factors, and cellular regulation. The lowering of NAD+ levels has a negative impact on the body and the aging process. NAD+ is the fuel for sirtuins, which are a group of proteins linked to the aging process. Certain sirtuins have been linked to longevity, homeostasis, metabolism, brain health, and cellular repair.

NAD+ is vital for energy production. It is involved with electron transfer and helps to convert food into ATP, the cellular energy molecule that acts as gas for our engines; the engine being our mitochondria, which are the energy storehouses in our cells. NAD+ also helps the cells to have barometric qualities. It helps the cells to sense when a cell needs more energy or doesn’t have enough.

NAD+ is an unstable molecule and is constantly changing forms to do its job. It switches from NAD+ to NADH and back to NAD+. This is based on the transfer of electrons. It also helps enzymes to work properly and ensures that proteins are in the proper form or shape to do their jobs.

The more DNA damage someone has, the more NAD+ is depleted and used to repair the damage. DNA damage can be caused by toxicity from environmental pollutants, microbial imbalance, EMF exposure from cell phones, wifi, smart meters, cell towers, computers, etc., as well as from air pollution, inflammatory foods, any foods that you are sensitive to, smoking, etc.

Here are some tips to support your NAD+ levels:

1. Nutritional Supplementation: There is an ongoing debate on what are the best nutritional supplements to support NAD+ levels. The bottom line is that it depends on the individual and your own genetic profile. Some people can raise their levels by using nicotinamide riboside, or NR, which is found in products like Resveracel and Niacel. NMN is another precursor to support NAD+ levels, which is found in products like Mitochondria ATP.  Niacinamide and niacin are forms of vitamin B3 which also can support NAD+ levels. Certain amino acids, like tryptophan, are precursors for NAD+. NADPH factors and NADH capsules may also raise NAD+ levels in some people.

2. Red Light Therapy and near infrared therapy have been linked to helping the optimization of the mitochondria and may have an impact on NAD+ levels.

3. Avoiding EMFs when possible is an important tool to help your body optimize NAD+. Put your cell phone in airplane mode when you have it on your body or in your pocket. Turn off your WiFi at night, or use wired Ethernet cables. Make sure you do not have a smart meter close to your living environment. You can opt-out from smart meters for a fee in most states. Using EMF protection for your phones and computers is important with the amount of EMF exposure we inadvertently experience. The stone shunghite has EMF-reducing qualities. You can use sticker-backed shunghite that can be placed on phones and computers. A pricier option for your entire living or working space are the Somavedic devices. I’ve noticed a difference since introducing these to my living and office spaces.

4. Intermittent fasting involves a reduced eating time-frame during the day. For instance, eating between 9 am and 5 pm or 11 am and 7 pm. This is not right for everyone, but for some, it can help with weight loss and energy and has been reported to have anti-aging effects. Eating within an eight-hour time-frame allows the body to rest from digesting and allows more time to go into autophagy, which is a natural process of cellular degradation that allows the body to repair and heal.

5. Exercise influences the recycling of precursors for NAD+, so it helps with increasing levels of NAD+. Niacinamide is one of these precursors. Another reason for the importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle.

About the Author

Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading holistic chiropractor, Applied Kinesiologist, and Nutrition Response Testing Practitioner in NY. Learn more about his practice by visiting


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