More Tips to Get Some Sleep

Woman sleeping after using tips to overcome insomnia and get some sleep
More Tips to Get Some Sleep

There is no doubt about it, getting enough sleep is one of the most important aspects of health. Lack of sleep has been linked to an increase in depression, obesity, endocrine imbalances and chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

Why do so many of us have issues going to sleep, staying asleep, or getting enough sleep?? There are multiple reasons, from nutritional deficiencies to a growing and insurmountable daily checklist.

Many people are sleep deprived and need help. If you are sleeping less than 7 hours per night, then you are not getting enough sleep. Catching up and sleeping longer on weekends is not going to make up for the sleep that you are missing out on during the week. You actually throw your body off more with an inconsistent sleep schedule.  Yes, we all have hectic lives and a lot to do during our days, but multiple studies suggest that nothing can replace getting at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

Here are My Tips to Help with Sleep

1 - Electromagnetic fields or EMFs are a big contributor to many sleep issues. This is what comes off our computers, electrical devices, etc…. To offset the effect of EMFs, do the following: Turn off your wireless router before going to bed. Turn off your phone and computers, and keep them out of the bedroom or as far away from your head while you sleep. Do not wear your Fitbit or anything with Bluetooth capability (Apple watch) to bed. If possible, make sure there are zero devices, alarm clocks, electrical outlets near your head.

2 - Try to avoid using your devices (phone, computer, tablet, even TV) at least one hour before bed.

3 - Take a warm bath for 20 minutes (60 - 90 minutes before bed). You can add in 2 cups Epsom salt (The magnesium in the Epsom salt helps calm the nervous system down), a box of baking soda, and 1 cup sea salt. You may want to add 5 drops of lavender essential oil and chamomile. Physiologically, the body's core temperature starts dropping when you sleep.  When you get out of the bath, the drop in your body temperature promotes sleep.

4 - Your room should be as dark as possible, the more cave like the better. If you have blinds that let light in, install blackout curtains.  Some people use sleep masks. Any light affects the pineal gland and the production of melatonin. Light signals daytime and the body will stop producing melatonin, which promotes sleep.

5 - Use essential oils on the soles of your feet. Apply a couple of drops of lavender and chamomile to the soles of your feet. You can also get an essential oil diffuser and turn it on before going to bed and keep it running throughout the night.

6 - Tapping your head. There are points on your head that link with the bladder meridian and help to promote sleep. Take two fingers on both hands and put them on the middle of each eyebrow. Tap both eyebrows at the same time and slowly tap up to the forehead on both sides, following a line going to the top of the head and continuing that line to the back of your head, ending at the base of your skull. Once you get to the back of your head, start again at the eyebrows and repeat. Do this for 2 minutes, 20 minutes before bed.

7 - Use dim lighting at night.  Install dimmer switches if possible. If you are reading before bed (a print book is okay, but not an electronic device), do not use a regular light or full spectrum lighting. Instead, install a low-wattage yellow/orange or red light bulb. These color wavelengths do not shut down melatonin production.

8 - Stop the caffeine in all forms coffee, tea, chocolate, etc.

9 - Sleep on a cervical pillow. It helps to align the spine allowing for less tension in the body.

10 - Nutritional supplements are a healthier alternative than pharmaceuticals. Numerous studies point out the danger of regularly using sleeping pills. Certain nutritional deficiencies (mineral deficiencies like calcium, magnesium, and B vitamin deficiency) can result in difficulty falling asleep or difficulty staying asleep. Different types of nutritional supplementation may be the right fit for an individual with sleep issues, includes lemon balm, Gaba, magnolia, philodendron, California poppy, hops, passion flower, ashwagandha and many other natural alternatives. What may work for one person may not work for another. Muscle testing determines what the best supplement option is.

Dr. Louis Granirer is a leading Holistic Chiropractor in NYC specializing in holistic remedies for good health maintenance and prevention of disease. Visit his website at to learn more.


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